Presentazione di una nuova Mappa Mondiale delle Spiagge
Oltre 30K spiagge con dati più dettagliati e filtri

Waterfall Beach

Manypeaks 15.4 km
Molto buono
Ingresso libero • Spiaggia selvaggia • Pittoresco • Accesso facile • Sabbia pura bianca • Parcheggio > 100m
1.2 Infrastruttura
Per il relax

Little Beach

Manypeaks 15.3 km
Molto buono
Ingresso libero • Spiaggia selvaggia • Pittoresco • Accesso facile • Sabbia pura bianca • Acqua cristallina
1.7 Infrastruttura
Per il relax

East Bay Beach

Manypeaks 11.1 km
Ingresso libero • Spiaggia selvaggia • Accesso facile • Sabbia luminosa • Acqua cristallina • Fondo di sabbia
2.2 Infrastruttura
Per il relax

Nanarup Beach

Albany 16.9 km
Ingresso libero • Spiaggia selvaggia • Pittoresco • Accesso facile • Sabbia bianca • Acqua cristallina
2.2 Infrastruttura
Campeggio selvaggio

Bettys Beach

Manypeaks 11.5 km
Ingresso libero • Spiaggia selvaggia • Accesso facile • Sabbia luminosa • Acqua cristallina • Fondo di sabbia
2.2 Infrastruttura
Per il relax

Bettys Beach II

Manypeaks 10.6 km
Ingresso libero • Spiaggia selvaggia • Accesso facile • Sabbia luminosa • Acqua cristallina • Desertico
2.2 Infrastruttura

Ultime recensioni su Manypeaks's beaches

Bettys Beach II
10 Perry Ashton

This was my favorite spot in Western Australia, and I’m definitely planning to return. The people there were all very nice, and the beautiful little beach, teeming with fish and well-protected, was simply wonderful.

Cheyne Beach
10 Giggles McJolly

Wow!! I absolutely love this place. We witnessed a pod of whales and two mothers feeding their calves quite close to the shore. Further up the beach, a male was breaching the surface and creating huge splashes. We even managed to capture a few videos. The beach is so pristine that it squeaks under your feet. The water is amazing and incredibly clear. I will be heading back as soon as I get the chance. This time of year is perfect for spotting whales along Cheynes. I highly recommend anyone with a drone to bring it along, as you would get fantastic footage. This place is wonderful, and at night, with a clear sky, the stars are so much brighter due to the minimal light interference. You need a 4WD to truly experience the magic of this place.