Thunder Bay beach

Thunder Bay 9.7 km
Ingresso libero • Spiaggia selvaggia • Accesso facile • Sabbia luminosa • Acqua cristallina • Fondo di sabbia
1.5 Infrastruttura
Per il relax

Wild Goose Beach

Thunder Bay 18 km
Ingresso libero • Spiaggia selvaggia • Accesso facile • Sabbia luminosa • Acqua cristallina • Fondo di sabbia
2.1 Infrastruttura
Per il relax

Mackenzie Point

Silver Islet 23.2 km
Ingresso libero • Spiaggia selvaggia • Accesso facile • Ciottolame • Fondo delle rocce • Nessun parcheggio
0 Infrastruttura

Silver Harbour

Silver Islet 22.9 km
Ingresso libero • Spiaggia selvaggia • Accesso facile • Calcestruzzo • Acqua cristallina • Nuoto - buono
1 Infrastruttura

Ultime recensioni su Silver Islet's beaches

Thunder Bay beach
8 Nathaniel Elroy Ogheneme

The beach offers a fantastic view of the sleeping giant and is a perfect spot for relaxation. The water tends to be on the colder side throughout the year, which is why it falls short of a five-star rating. However, it is a lovely place to escape from the hustle and bustle. Located just 25 minutes from the city center, it is easily accessible. There are typically two lifeguards on duty and ample parking space available.